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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

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Apr 25, 2021 – Grade 7 (Sunday PM)


Hari om parents,


We started the class with pranayamams and three OM's, then each of our children led the beginning prayers one at a time from Karagre to the last one Karacharana. It is nice to hear them.

 Then we chanted together the Ramayana Dhyaana slokha 

"Neelambuja shyamala komalaangam" (page 129 of My Prayers green book).

 Then we recited "Namramyanam bhajan (Balakandam, Ayodhyakandam, Aranyakandam, Kishkindakandam, Sundarakandam, and Yuddhakandam).


Key to Success


We reviewed the wheels of the Dharma chariot: Sauraja (courage), Dhiraja (patience), Satya Sila (Truthfulness), Dhvaja Pataka (Good Character). We reviewed difference between fear and foolishness with examples like I can trick teachers is considered as foolishness.


We listened to Ratnakara story who turned into poet Valmiki with the advice of Narada ji. We reviewd characteristics of Dhira Purusha, the one who has patience. We listened to Golden egg story where the owner of the hen did not have patience. As mentioned in Bhagawath Gita, "The agitation leads to delusion".  We discussed techniques to develop patience: meditation and calming procedures. We listened to a child in our class mentioned about Tortoise and Hare story where Tortoise had patience and won the race.

We discussed that there are two flags on Dharma Chariot representing two characteristics; Dhvja –main flag, Pataka-small flag.  The flags of the Chariot are truthfulness (satya) and good character (sila). Good company inspires us to have good thoughts.


We had a short class because of Grade Presentations. 



Grade 7 Sunday PM 
