Hari Om Parents,
Welcome to week 17 of Balavihar 2020-2021 KG Sunday PM session. Today we were delighted to welcome a new student Samridhi and her parents, into our balavihar family and Sunday PM KG session. We are close to wrapping up our alphabets by the next session and start learning the pledge.
We also connected with the parents briefly to announce that our class annual program is scheduled Sunday April 25th. We will start planning for the same from our next balavihar session
Weekly Update
Mar 7th 2021 / 12:45 PM
Today's Activities (Class Deck for Mar 7th, 2021)
Om Chanting
Guru Stotram
om saha navavatu,
saha nau bhunaktu,
saha víryam karavavahai,
tejasvinavadhítamastu ma
om shanti shanti shantih
Today for the benefit of Aayan & Samridhi the teachers recited the slokas slowly, going into the meaning of these slokas, importance of the God associated with each of the slokas, and the children followed. Just some more practice and they are going to take over this section from us teachers.
KaraAgre Vasate Lakshmi,
Kara-Madhye Saraswati
Kara-Moole Sthitaa Gowri,
Mangalam Kara-Darshanam
Eka Dantam,Maha Kayam
Lambho Daram Gajananam
Vighna Nasham Karam Devam
Herambam Pranamamyaham
Saraswati Namastubhyam
Varade Kaama Roopini
Vidyaarambham Karishyami
Siddhir-bhavatu me sadaa
Mukam Karoti Vacalam
Pangum Langhayate Girim,
Yat-Kripa tam-aham vande
Ramaya Ramabhadraya
Ramachandraya Vedhase
Raghunathaya Nathaya
Sitayah Pataye Namah
We continued to repeat our Yoga / Exercise break. The children seem to have fun when performing this break. It would be great if the parents are nearby as sometimes, moving the laptop/device camera helps the children participate better. We hope you can practice them with your child at home as well
We revised all the alphabets from A through R. Each child took turns to say each alphabet and the description. We went a little slow with our alphabets for the benefit of the new students. We will pick up pace again from our next class.
We covered two new alphabets today
Z - Zeal: We discussed the meaning of the word and how it applies to the kids. How they can show passion and enthusiasm in all their efforts be school work, playing in a competitive game
P - Prayer: We discussed the different ways one can pray to God: Singing bhajans, lighting a lamp, saying slokas, going to the temple, etc. Why we pray: To request the almighty to give us peace, protect us,keep us healthy, give us food & prosperity. We saw the story of Gajendra the elephant, first and then discussed the story of how King Indradhyum prayed to Lord Vishnu and who was always there to protect him.
The children then took a break for coloring sheet Z.
We invited the parents to make the initial announcement of the annual program that our class needs to prepare for and present on April 25th. We will be following up with the parents with further instructions in the coming weeks
We closed out with Aarti .
Next Session Agenda
Alphabets: We will repeat P & proceed to Q.
For the next class, please print and have the following slides from this PDF document ready for next week's session:
Slide# 51 (Q)
Reminder & Activities for home
Please practice reciting the prayers & slokas. All these are available in this slide deck
Also please ask your children about the activities & stories from session
Please Practice Geeta Chanting using the video links shared earlier (Geeta Chanting Introduction Video, Verse #1, 2, 3 & 4).
Children can color page #49 (Z) at home during this week, if they would like to.
Rajesh Jayakumar
Ulka Powar