Jan 31st class.
Hari Om Parents,
Activities included Riddle, Kahoot game, clip from animated Krishna movie, chanting and lesson from 24 gurus book.
Bal Vihar class proceeded in the following order.
1)We started with opening prayers-Om Sahana Vahvatu prayer.
2) Verses from Damodara strotram were recited by children.
3) Krishnastakam was chanted.
4) Short children's animated film (Around 20 minutes) about Krishna was shown. Questions were asked and what could be learnt from those events.
5) Roopaji then conducted an interactive activity with the kids based on 24 teachers books about one of the most important elements which Bhagwan provides to us and what can be learnt from that element. The element is "Ocean". Philosophical and spiritual meaning of Ocean and its qualities were explained.
6) Verses from Gita were chanted through a video clip by Swami Shantanandaji and kids were asked to repeat the verses.
7) Kahoot was played.
8) We concluded with Aarti and Chinmaya missions pledge.
Roopa and Pragnesh.