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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

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Oct 4, 2020 - Grade 3 (Sunday AM)

Hari OM

Welcome to week 3 of our zoom class at Chinmaya Vrindavan.

 Prayer time:

We started our class with our opening prayers "Sahanaavathu" followed by Vakrathunda Mahakaya, Saraswathi Namsthubhyam, Guru Brahma, and Buddhir balam.

 Crafts time:

We made the parachute to show how God comes down in form of Avatara.

 Bhagvatham Time:

 Story Time:

From the last class, it was seen that all the disciples gathered around Sutaji & Saunaka rishi asked a question that how one can be happy forever. Sutaji said that the answer was in the poem "Bhagavatam" which was composed by Sri Veda Vyasa. Sri Veda Vyasa was a very learned scholar who had written many Puranas, Mahabharata, and the Vedas for the benefit of the people. But still, he was not happy. One day Narada Rishi came to see him and advised him to sing the glories of the Lord. He asked him to teach the people why God takes different avataras and that way he is going to be happy. 

 Who is Naradaji??

 Narada ji was the son of a servant lady who lived serving saints in the ashram. Narada Ji lived there hearing the glories of Bhagavan from the saints. It so happened that one-day Narada Ji's mother got bitten by a snake and died and thus Narada Ji was left all alone. After this incident, Narada Ji went to the forest for mediating and Bhagavan being happy with him blessed him by saying he will be reborn as Brahmaji's son. Few years later he died and was reborn again as the son of Brahmaji. 

 Geetha chanting time:

 Below is the youtube link to this week's verses (1 &2) chapter 2.  Please be sure to practice at home


See you all next week!!!

With Love,

Indira & Rupali Aunty