Hari Om parents,
We continued chapter 16 with the discussion on more divine qualities in the short story format. Class did a good job in analyzing the story and identifying the value hidden. With all the 26 divine qualities described by lord, sincerely trying to adapt to one which appeals to our personality, can help us cultivate the rest. Later we went on to the discussion on the demonic disposition. Class pondered on the differences between the terms - "Rakshasas" and "Asuras". Please see the class presentation link to find the answer 😊
Three simple looking behaviors that lead us to the Gateway of Hell are – Desire, Anger and Greed. Various stories from puranas and modern times were discussed as the examples of these. Everything starts at the root as a simple desire and ultimately paves way for other six vices – Anger, Greed, Pride, Jealousy, and delusion.
Self-control, compassion, and charity can get rid of desire, anger, and greed respectively when they arise. But by adopting to Jnana yoga (path of enquiry), Bhakti yoga(path of devotion), Karma yoga (path of self-less action)and Dhyana yoga (path of meditation) one can get to the root cause and uproot them permanently.
Please find the link to the class presentation.
Aruna and Sirisha