Hari Om Parents!
Today was the seventeenth class of Balavihar!! Here is the summary of what we covered in class today:
After everyone joined the Zoom session:
1. We started the class with Opening prayers. The opening prayers were led by two kids who chanted Om three times and then chanted Sahana vavatu and we all joined. And then few of the kids lead the Hanuman Bhajan.
2. For today's class we had planned to cover two letters S and T. So during today's attendance we asked each of the kid's to give a sweet smile and say HariOm. All the kids followed the same, and it was wonderful to see their beautiful smiles and to introduce the letter S.
3. Then we introduced the letter of the day as S for Smile - a facial expression of joy and happiness. We discussed that happy and funny things makes us smile. And when we smile, people want to talks to us and make us happy.
4. In the Brainstorming session, we discussed various scenarios which makes us happy and smile. And to smile is easy and a simple thing to do to make everyone happy. When we smile we stay healthy and a Smile is contagious, hence everyone around us also smiles and is happy as well.
5. During Story time, through the story of the Million Dollar Smile, we learnt that a Smile can help solve all our problems and makes everyone happy. For Exploration time, we asked kids to use the Activity sheet to find the Hidden Smile. And kids were taught 'Wear a Smile and stay in Style'.
6. For Yoga, we did Jumping jacks and Tree Pose, and Brain Yoga.
7. Then we introduced the next letter of the day T is for Truth which means integrity and sincerity in words and actions. And that we need to be truthful by not being scared of the consequences and
understanding that it is always better to tell the truth than lies. And Ultimately Truth alone always triumphs.
8. During Brainstorming session, we discussed various scenarios to discuss when we say the truth and when we say lies. We lie when we feel that the truth will get us into trouble but a lie will
save us. We lie because we feel we will benefit by lying. And we lie because we forget: Ultimately, truth alone wins.
9. During Storytime, through the story of the Boy who cried Wolf, we learnt that by lying, we can hurt ourselves and others around us. And kids were taught 'Satyam vada, Priyam vada' .
10. Then for Quiet time, we did Body Scan Meditation and everyone stayed quiet and relaxed.
11. After this, we made few of the kids to chant Geeta verses 3 and 4 independently and then we together chanted the verses and by played Swamiji's video to make kids listen to the chanting.
12. For Exit ticket, kids were asked to complete the Coloring sheets and Activity sheet.
13. And then ended the session on a happy cheerful note by singing the 'When you are Happy and you know' song and few kids lead the Closing Prayers.
It was another wonderful session with kids actively participating. And thank you parents for sitting through the session to help the kids and for your participation.
Have a wonderful week ahead!!
Selvi and Mahalaxmi