Feb 28th class.
Hari Om Parents,
Activities included Bhagwatam story, Kahoot game, chanting, lessons and riddle from 24 gurus book, presentation by 7th graders.
Bal Vihar class proceeded in the following order.
1)We started with opening prayers-Om Sahana Vahvatu prayer.
2) Q and A about annual presentation.
3) Recital of Govinda Damodaram stotram by the children.
4) Pragnesh narrated the story about king Parikshiit continuing to read Bhagwatam to liberate himself by following it's principles.
The story was about Krishna in Vrindavan and how Bakasura rakshasha creates havoc there. Bakasura assumes the form of a huge python and opens the mouth and acts like a statue. All the gopas and Krishna think that it's a cave or a tree trunk. However the sole purpose of the python is to invite gopas, Balarama and Krishna and then to close it's mouth and kill them. Krishna being the lord understood that Bakasura has been sent to Vrindavan by Kamsa and kills Bakasura. Krishna once again saves Vrindavan from the wrath of Kamsa.
5) Kahoot game was played. The questions were based on Chinmaya missions pledge and meaning of it.
6) Pronunciation of verses from Bhagwat Gita were recited by the children guided by Swami Shantananadaji.
7) Roopaji then conducted an interactive activity with the kids based on 24 teachers books about Pingala dancer. She teaches us not to have the desire for wealth. Hope for wordly enjoyments only brings misery. When the hope is renounced, one gains the highest bliss. Have no expectations.
8) We concluded with everybody joining Presentation by the 7th graders.
Roopa and Pragnesh.