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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

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Feb 7, 2021 - Grade 4 (Sunday PM)

Feb 7th class.


Hari Om Parents,


Activities this week included Bhagwatam story, Riddle, Clip from animated Krishna movie, chanting and lesson from 24 gurus book.


Bal Vihar class proceeded in the following order.


1)We started with opening prayers-Om Sahana Vahvatu prayer.


2) Krishna story was narrated by Pragnesh from Krishna Krishna book. The story was about a fruit seller and how she sold fruits to Krishna out of affection without expecting anything in return. Fruit seller's basket kept on becoming heavier and heavier after she gave fruit to Krishna and she was astonished to find that there were no fruits but only golds and diamonds. Krishna had blessed her because she was a devotee and a self less person.   


3) Krishnastakam was chanted.



4)Short children's animated film (Around 20 minutes) about Krishna was shown. Based on the film questions were asked about what did they learn from it.  


 5) Roopaji then conducted an interactive activity with the kids based on 24 teachers books about important "elements" which Bhagwan provides to us and what can be learnt from that element. This week there were multiple elements. Element were Moth, Bee, Elephant, Fish and Deer. Each have weakness and how humans with their intellect which god has provided us should be used to distinguish right from wrong.


6) Verses were chanted by Swami Shantanandaji with children repeating the verses.


7) We concluded with Aarti and Chinmaya missions pledge.



Roopa and Pragnesh.