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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

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Ded 13, 2020 - Grade 4 (Sunday PM)

DEC 13TH PM Bal Vihar class


Hari Om Parents,


Activities this week included Bhagwatam story, riddle, identify the zoomed up picture, chanting and lesson from 24 gurus book.


Bal Vihar class proceeded in the following order.


1)We started with opening prayers-Om Sahana Vahvatu prayer.


2) Continued the 5th chapter of the book Krishna, Krishna.


Pragnesh narrated the story about king Parikshiit continuing to read Bhagwatam to liberate himself by following it's principles.

Kamsa was stunned to hear that Pootana was dead. He refused to believe that the helpless infant was the cause of her death. Even so, he was cautious when sending the next assassin on a mission to kill the child growing in Gokula.

"Powerful demon Pootana has met her end," said Kamsa, warning the demon Trinavrata, who had volunteered to go to Gokula.

"Had you sent me in the first place, my friend Pootana would be alive today," said Trinavrata.

Kamsa was impressed with his confidence. Trinavrata left for Gokula the same day.

It was evening in Gokula when Trinavrata arrived. Yashoda was admiring her little son lying in her lap with a smile. Suddenly she felt weak. She felt her child was too heavy. She lowered Krishna to the floor so that she could relax. Just then she noticed the sky darkening. Trees shook. The temperature dropped. The next moment there was a rush of wind raising dust, which flooded the house. Protectively, Yashoda tried to reach for Krishna. But she could not see anything in the air thick with dust. She started moving her hands in all directions to gather the child on the floor. She seemed to be gathering only dust. To reassure the child, she started calling his name, "Krishna, Krishna."

Gradually, the wind weakened. The dust settled down. The sky brightened. Yashoda could see now. She found her little Krishna gone. "Krishna!" she screamed as she ran out of the house looking for the child.

The demon Trinavrata had assumed the form of a whirlwind. He had carried little Krishna high in the air. The demon was pleasantly surprised that he could carry away his victim so easily. The first part of his mission achieved. What remained was an easy task — to hurl the child against a huge rock and end his life.

Just as he spotted a huge rock, the demon was surprised to find the child getting heavier. Krishna was as light as a feather when Trinavrata had lifted him, now he had become as heavy as a grinding stone! The demon decided to drop him. To his horror, he found he could not drop the baby as the little one had clasped his hands round his neck. He gasped for breath as Krishna tightened his grip. Trinavrata dropped down dead.

The cowherds of Gokula came running when they heard a loud sound. They saw the demon sprawled out on the ground, dead. Little Krishna as usual was crawling playfully near him. Yashoda ran to pick up her child. Even as she hugged the child, Nanda looked up the sky, saying a silent prayer to God above.

3) We played the game-Identify the mega zoomed picture from Krishna story scene. The zoomed pictured was gradually zoomed out so that the entire scene could be identified.


4) Verses from Krisnastam were chanted by the children and Pragnesh explained the meaning of that verse.


5) Pronunciation of verses from Bhagawad Gita were recited by them, guided by Swami Shantananadaji. 


6) Verses from chapter two of Bhagawad Gita were recited.


7) Roopaji  conducted an interactive activity with the kids based on 24 teachers books about one of the most important elements which Bhagwan provides to us and what can be learnt from that element. The element is "Moon".  Philosophical and spiritual meaning of moon was explained. A story was told by her. The activity involved riddle about aspects of moon and it's importance.



8) We concluded with Aarti and Chinmaya missions pledge.



Roopa and Pragnesh.