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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

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Dec 20, 2020 - Kindergarten (Sunday AM)

Hari Om Parents!

Today was the tenth class of Balavihar!! Here is the summary of what we covered in class today:

After everyone joined the Zoom session:

1. We started the class with Opening prayers by chanting Om three times and then we all together chanted Sahana vavatu, followed by Ekadantam- Ganesha bhajan and Krishna bhajan led by one by the kids. 

2. Attendance was taken by each kid saying Hari Om when their name was called out.

3. Couple of kids shared a story about Friends from last week's exit ticket.

5. During Memory time , few Kids individually chanted the Ganesha Bhajan and Krishan Bhajan and then we all chanted together.

6. Kids were introduced the next letter 'G' - it stands for God and God loves all and is everywhere. God gives us everything we need and we should thank him and pray to God.

7.. In the Brainstorming session, we discussed about who is God and what does God do? God is everywhere and God gives us lot of gifts, like Sunshine, rain, flowers, fruits, food, clothes and God gives us everything. We shared the whiteboard and made kids write the various things God gives us.

8. During Exploration time, we discussed that for all the gifts God gives us, we should thank him and kids were taught the Bhajan - Krishna here, Krishna there, Krishna Krishna everywhere, God is one, God is one, God is for everyone. And told kids to repeat this using their favorite God's name.

9. Also, we discussed about the various ways to pray to God, and what abhishekam is and how to do it.

10. Then we did the Alphabet chant and Go,Go, Go and Fly chant and then we together recited the poem 'All things Bright and Beautiful'

11. After this, some of the kids chanted Geeta verses 1 and 2 individually. And then we learnt Verse 3 and recited it couple of times and explained the meaning.

12. Lastly, we said the closing prayers and concluded the session.

 Another exciting session with our wonderful kids. And thank you parents for sitting through the session to help the kids.

 Due to Winter break, there is no class for next 2 weeks. Next class is on Jan 10th. Happy Holidays to everyone!!

Have a wonderful week ahead!!

Selvi and Mahalaxmi