Hari Om parents,
Hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving!! How are all of you doing? Here is a summary of our last class-
1. We chanted 3 OM's and said our beginning prayers - Om sahna bhavtu then a shlok for Lord Ganesha ( Vakratunda Mahakaya), Devi Saraswati ( Saraswati Namastubhyam) and one for our Guru( Guru Bramha) respectively. The kids know the shlokas by heart. 👍
2. We then chanted the Dhyaan shlok and revised the meanings of the qualities we have learned so far.
3. Brainstorming- what is Arogata? Arogata is good health. Good physical health means a body that is free of all diseases. Headache, tooth ache, fever are some examples of the diseases of body. Health is wealth. We should be in good physical health to enjoy life.
Just as there are diseases of body, there are also diseases of mind. Pride, arrogance, anger, ego are just some examples. Diseases of the body make us physically weak, and diseases of the mind make us mentally weak.
4. Brainstorming- What is Ajadyam? It means to be alert and watchful. Ajadyam & Arogata are the two qualities of lord Hanuman that are so closely connected to each other. A simple example that comes to mind in the present situation is to stay healthy or disease-free we have to be alert. Like wearing a mask in public, not going in crowded places, washing hands after coming from outside & before eating meals. These two qualities complement each other.
5. Game time- We played Hanuman Vadati with the twist. It energizes everyone and is so much fun.
6. Story - Health is wealth. Here is the link
7. Word search- Things that make us weak. Please check the attachment for multiple activities. Kids loved doing it in class.
8. Chanted Hanuman Chalisa and explained a few words from the chaupais.
9. Practiced Geeta chanting.
10. A wonderful story of how Hanuman meets Ram for the first time. Here is the link- https://youtu.be/Ia83wT0TbOg
11. Closing prayers to end the class.
See you all this Sunday at 9:15am.
Chitra & Rupa