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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda

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Oct 11, 2020 - Grade 2 (Sunday PM)

Chinmaya Bala Vihar SUN PM - II Grade: Week 3 & 4 Updates:

Dear Parents:

Hari OM!

The past few weeks with your children have been so enjoyable. We seem
to be creating a very nice classroom atmosphere regardless of the
online class.

Week 3:
-Started the class with OM chanting & opening prayers (Om Saha Navavatu)
-Introduced the Dhyana Shloka and how it speaks to Hanuman's values
-We went through the values (Buddhih, Balam, Yasho, Dhairyam,
Nirbhayatvam, Arogata, Ajadyam, Vak Patutvam Cha) and how they make
Hanuman who he is.
-We went through each value one by one, telling the children what they
mean and asking them how these values are present in their lives.
-We introduced Hanuman Chalisa with a very fun cartoon!

Week 4:
-Started the class with OM chanting & opening prayers (Om Saha Navavatu).
-The kids went around and practiced chanting the Dhyana Shloka alone
(they did a wonderful job!!)
-We spoke about how we take vitamins and used an analogy to compare
how vitamins make us strong just like the values make Hanuman strong.
-We recapped Buddhih and showed an Akbar Birbal story about why
intellect and wisdom is important.
-We then showed a story about how Hanuman was born and we asked
students to recap.
-We ended the class with an introduction to Geetha Chanting and
learned the first two verses.

Thank you for reading. Please send us any questions that you may have
through the Whatsapp Group (BV Sun PM II Gr 2020-21). We hope you
enjoy your Navaratri!

Best regards,
Sudha & Pooja